Moonlight Lonesome — Beauty in Moonlight

“Moonlight Lonesome” offers an evocative journey through the complexities of love and war, touching on universal themes that resonate deeply across cultures and periods. Readers will follow the compelling story of Daniel Chesterton, a West Point student whose life is dramatically altered by the Battle of Gettysburg. Through Daniel’s experiences, the novel delves into the profound impacts of trauma, the struggle for acceptance, and the healing power of love.

Daniel’s journey from trauma to becoming involved in education, the military, and literature highlights themes of resilience and the transformative power of purpose.



Sharon Louise Perry, acclaimed for her romanticism and persistence, showcases her unique storytelling and deep understanding of human emotions in her bestselling novel “Moonlight Lonesome.” “Moonlight Lonesome” covers universal topics such as love and war.

The story follows West Point student Daniel Chesterton who is thrust into the Battle of Gettysburg. When he returns home, the girl he had intended to marry rejects him, leaving him severely traumatized. Following a traumatic loss, he becomes involved in education, the military, and literature.

He longs for a woman who can see beyond his scars and accept him completely. The novel explores universal themes of love and war, making it suitable for anybody affected by war. No matter where you are in the world, Moonlight Lonesome will touch your heart and remind you of the importance of being with the one you love.


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