About Sharon Louise Perry

Sharon Louise Perry, a renowned author and exemplar of marital bliss, has shared a profound bond with her husband for 41 years. Her steadfast dedication to both her professional endeavors and her marriage attests to her passionate and romantic disposition.

Their love story is a testament to enduring affection and unwavering gratitude, marked by weekly date nights, heartfelt notes, and spontaneous travels. Sharon Louise Perry believes in the transformative power of romance, evident in her novel “Moonlight Lonesome,” where she seamlessly weaves love into the narrative.

Through captivating scenes amidst moonlit landscapes and whispered conversations under starry skies, Sharon Louise Perry paints a vivid portrait of romance. Her ability to craft such scenes reflects her romantic nature, capturing the magic of love with unparalleled finesse.


“Moonlight Lonesome” intricately weaves a tale of love’s endurance amidst the trials of war. Through the protagonist’s unwavering commitment to his partner, the narrative delves into the depths of their bond, emphasizing its significance beyond physicality.

Despite the protagonist’s steadfast belief in their lasting love, he encounters unforeseen challenges, testing the resilience of their relationship.

With Sharon Louise Perry adept romantic writing style, the novel artfully captures the timeless essence of love’s ability to persevere through life’s most trying moments.